Portable Mass Kits
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Celebration set in case made in suede leather to carry it.
Mass briefcase composed by: chalice, open-ciboria, cruets, cross, oil stock, prinkle, hosts box and case to carry it.
Complete celebration case/shoulder bag consisting of: chalice, paten, sprinkler, cross, clandles, altar to place the candles, host box, cruets set, stole, pall, corporal, purificator.
Complete celebration case/backpack consisting of: chalice, paten, ciboria, sprinkler, cross, clandles, altar to place the candles, host box, cruets set, stole, pall, corporal, purificator.
Mass kit comprising 8 different articles in sterling silver: - Chalice, Host box, 2 glass bottles with metal caps with thread, 2 cruets, 2 candles and portable mass kit.
Mass suitcase lined with foam and red velvet composed of: chalice, ciborium, paten, tray, cruets and cross with candlesticks. SPECIAL OFFER PRICE.
Mass kit which includes: - 1 Chalice (12 cm. high - 4"3/4 high) - 1 Host Box (100 Hosts) - 2 Glass Cruets - Candle-Holder-Cross combination - "ABS" carrying case (17"3/4 x 12"5/8 x 4"3/8).
Mass kit comprising 12 different articles in heavy silverplate, gold lined: - Chalice 3-1/4" high - Well Paten of 3" Ø - 2 glass Cruets 4-1/4" tall with screwed metal tops - spoon 4" long - Oil Stock of 1 1/8" Ø.
Gold plated brass portable Mass Kit. Comprises 12 pieces: 2 Candlesticks, Cross, Chalice, Ciboria, 2 Cruets and tray, 2 glass containers, 1 Host box and "ABS" carrying case. Kit Dimensions: 17" 3/4 x 12" 3/4" x 4" 1/2.
Mass Kit, which includes 11 pieces: - 2 Candlesticks - Cross and supporting pedestal - Chalice(13 cm. High - 5" 1/8 High) - 2 glass cruets with screw metal tops and matching tray - "ABS" solid case.